Mi-Ki Puppies of California
Thank you for your interest in adopting a Brumby's Run Mi-Ki. The process for adoption is simple. Please call us at (661) 332-6508 or (661)387-9379. If we're unable to answer, we'll get back to you if you leave a message. Next, we'll discuss how to place a deposit to be on our waitlist or to reserve an available puppy or adult. Deposits are $500 nonrefundable and apply to the purchase price.
Puppies can be picked up at Los Angeles International Airport for in-cabin owner transportation or at our home outside of Bakersfield, CA. We also offer hand delivery available to your nearest airport for the cost of a roundtrip airfare ticket for John or Bonnie Thomson, as well as a one-way in-cabin pet fee. We fly with our puppies alll over the Unites States … please don’t hesitate to ask about this personal service.